What is a csa or farm share?

Pine Grove Pastures operates under the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model. CSA shares connect you to your food and your farmer. They allow you to place your food dollar directly into the hands of a local farm, a farm you can know and trust. Small organic farms respect the health and nutrition of your food, and reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment.

What's included: 14 boxes of organic, seasonal fruits & vegetables, delivered to your door once a week. What comes in a box? You can expect larger quantities of the staples, like carrots, broccoli, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes. But we also provide many other kinds of vegetables that reflect the diversity of what can be grown in Wisconsin. Weekly newsletters will help you learn about the items in your box and give you cooking ideas.

Sign up Online now!

Either click the link above to sign up online with a credit card, or save a few bucks and mail the farm a check.

Please print the Member Agreement to email to the farm, or mail along with your check payment.

CSA Info Sheet

Member Agreement

Sample Newsletter

Questions? Contact Us

fresh farm eggs superior in nutrition

farm fresh Eggs

During the early part of the growing year, chicken eggs may be available at a discounted rate to CSA share members. Our hens are free-range and supplemented with organic grain.

baby nubian goat

Other farm products

CSA members will receive priority when ordering our farm products, including organic pastured chicken and pork, and grass-fed beef.

pumpkin picking

FARM events

Included with your share are community building farm events like our Fall Farm Event which includes dinner, a farm raffle and pumpkin picking.